Hello readers., Good day..,
I want to share a problem that I have faced and solved it recently.
Unfortunately one of my post was deleted. You know that there is no option in blogger to retrieve any deleted posts and Blogger announced that they will not support on recovering deleted posts. Then I started research on recovering it. I succeed on this issue and recovered it successfully. I found different type of recovering techniques.
Recovering post using browsers history :-
Open the browser you worked with blogger and then press ctrl + H (control button and H both at a time). It will open the history of the browser. There you will find the urls on blogger that you have opened and worked recently.When you click on it the page will open., there you will find the post that you have entered in edit mode or html mode. Just copy the content and create a new post and then paste it, save it and publish it. Here the content will save in CACHE of the browser in your local system only. So this technique is also called recovering the post from cache.
Note: This will work only the browser history available. Some people may anable automatic clear browser history option. For those people the history will clear automatically. So they can’t find the urls.
Recovering post using browser or browser tab :-
This will work only if your browser is not closed after the post deleted/edited.In this technique you need to press BACK button of the browser. So that it will open the previous page. From their you may recover your post.
Recovering post using BLOG-ID and POST-ID :-
If you know the blog id and post id then you can edit the post and republish it. But this will work only if the post was previously published.http://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=XXXXXXXX&postID=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Recovering post from the Blog Feeds:-
If you have set blog feed to full you will get all of your post content from the feed,
if you set it to partial then you will get partial
if you set it to none then no can ne recovered from the feed.
I hope you enjoyed it. post your comments on this article.
Thanks for nice info