A commom problem that blogsopt blog's owners face is that how to create a sitemap.
I hope you understood it well.,
If you had any queries do hesitate to post comments.
To submit our site to some topmost serch engines like google, bing, yahoo..., we need a sitemap., so that the search engines can crawl the content of our post easily.,
For normal sites we can create sitemap with the help of the the tags with are availble for us., But coming to blogger it is some what different.
Sitemap for your Blogger Blog:
Step 1: First sign-in to your Google Webmasters account and add your blog. For details like the screen shot below.
Step 2: After that click on the link which you had added in the sites list., then you will be redirect to another page called dashbord. There you will see a button called submit button. as show below
Step 3: Now for blogger blogs the sitemap URL will be like this (http://YOUR_SITE_URL/atom.xml?redirect=false). So now you can add the "atom.xml?redirect=false" at the last of url (in the text box). and the click subimt. thats it.
if you want to add more like by dividing the post upto 500 and 500 to 1000 and then.......,
So you can more as like this
"/at om. xml ?re dir ect =fa lse &am p;s tar t-i nde x=1 &am p;m ax- res ult s=5 00"
if you want to add more like by dividing the post upto 500 and 500 to 1000 and then.......,
So you can more as like this
I hope you understood it well.,
If you had any queries do hesitate to post comments.
Hi Rajeshmani Jenu,
great info but i have a smal thing to add, if you have external RSS the above is not valid.
i mean if you have feeds provided by feed burner (in case you have adsense for feeds) the ATOM.xml is not valid any more.
the only site map available is the one in the webmaster page under :
"site configuration / crawler access " the last line in the robot.txt after the "Sitemap:" key word
best regards
I use something instead:
"feeds/posts/default" which is part of the Sitemap URL in the robots.txt
something different*
Thanks for sharing your info. I really appreciate your efforts and I will be waiting for your further write ups thanks once again.
Vee Eee Technologies| Vee Eee Technologies|
It works thank you.
OOO awesome steps and you have mentioned them so clearly.
Thanks for it.