Jquery Events With Example

jQuery Events

Events in JavaScript (and jQuery) occur when something happens to an element in the page. When an event occurs, it is said to have fired. Common events include:

To work with an event in jQuery, first we have to create a function called an event handler that will deal with the event when it occurs. Then we will call a jQuery method to bind our event handler function to a particular event for a selected element (or elements). There are many jQuery methods to bind events.


Different types of Jquery Event methods :

  1. bind( eventType[, eventData], handler)
    • the main one is bind(). This takes an event name and a function name as arguments, and binds the function to that event for the selected element(s).
    • Example:- $('div').bind('click', function( event ){alert('Hi there!'); });
  2. unbind(eventType, handler) / unbind(eventType)
    • If you want to remove event handlers from an element we will use unbind() method.
    • Example:-$('div').unbind('click');
    • Event Types: blur, change, click, dblclick, error, keydown, mousedown, mouseenter, mouseleave, select, scroll, submit, unload, resize, ....,... ,.
    • Event Attributes: altKey, ctrlKey, keyCode, pageX, pageY, relatedTarget, screenX, screenY, shiftKey, target, timeStamp, type, which, ....,... ,.
  3. preventDefault()
    • Prevents the browser from executing the default action.
    • Example:- $("a").click(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); alert( "Default behavior is disabled!" );
  4. isDefaultPrevented()
    • Returns whether event.preventDefault() was ever called on this event object.
    • Example:-$("a").click(function(event){ event.preventDefault();
      alert( "Default behavior is disabled!" );
  5. stopPropagation()
    • Stops the bubbling of an event to parent elements, preventing any parent handlers from being notified of the event.
    • Example:- $("div").click(function(event){
      alert("This is : " + $(this).text());
      event.stopPropagation(); });
  6. isPropagationStopped()
    • Returns whether event.stopPropagation() was ever called on this event object.
    • Example:-$("div").click(function(event){
      alert("This is : " + $(this).text());
      if ( event.isPropagationStopped() ){
      alert( "Event bubbling is disabled - 1" );
      alert( "Event bubbling is enabled - 1" ); }});
  7. stopImmediatePropagation()
    • Stops the rest of the handlers from being executed.
    • Example:- $("div").click(function(event){
      alert("1 - This is : " + $(this).text());
      event.stopImmediatePropagation(); });
      // This won't be executed.
      alert("2 - This is : " + $(this).text()); });
  8. isImmediatePropagationStopped()
    • Returns whether event.stopImmediatePropagation() was ever called on this event object.
  9. toggle( fn, fn2, fn3,... )
    • Toggle among two or more function calls every other click.
    • Example:- $("div").toggle(
      function () {
      function () {
      function () {
  10. trigger( event, [data] )
    • Trigger an event on every matched element.
  11. triggerHandler( event, [data] )
    • Triggers all bound event handlers on an element .
  12. Event Helper Methods:
    • jQuery also provides a set of event helper functions which can be used either to trigger an event to bind any event types mentioned above.
    • Example:-$("div").click( function () {  });
    • blur( ), blur( fn ), change( ), dblclick( ), error( fn ) .......,

Examples on Jquery Events

DDN logo
function(){ $('#imgddn').css({"width":"40px","height":"10px"}); },
function(){ $('#imgddn').css({"width":"60px","height":"15px"}); },
function() { $('#imgddn').css({ "width": "80px", "height": "20px" }); },
function() { $('#imgddn').css({ "width": "100px", "height": "25px" }); },
function() { $('#imgddn').css({ "width": "120px", "height": "30px" }); },
function() { $('#imgddn').css({ "width": "140px", "height": "35px" }); },
function() { $('#imgddn').css({ "width": "160px", "height": "40px" }); },
function() { $('#imgddn').css({ "width": "180px", "height": "45px" }); },
function() { $('#imgddn').css({ "width": "200px", "height": "50px" }); } );
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$("#anch").click(function(event) {
 alert("Default behavior is disabled!"); });

 $('#trigger').click(function() {
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#htm").click(function() {
var va = $("#p1").html();
$("#txt").click(function() {
var va = $("#p1").text();
This is Paragraph One
This is Paragraph Two

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